BiLOG is an agreement signed by La Spezia Port Authority and Municipality of Piacenza in order to create a special event on sustainable, connected and resilient topics with a European spin. The Forum will focus on regional and European dimensions, on the transport and maritime investments, highlighting the importance of cohesion between the players of the logistics… Read more »
BILOG is an agreement signed by La Spezia Port Authority and Municipality of Piacenza in order to create a special event on sustainable, connected and resilient topics with a European spin. The Forum will analyses the regional and European dimensions, on the transport and maritime investments, highlighting the importance of cohesion between the players of the… Read more »
The Baltic Ports Conference (BPC) the most important annual event for the organization, as all BPO members, other participants and guests joined together to discuss the key and urgent issues for the port business. It was first and foremost a great networking platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between various stakeholders making up… Read more »
DocksTheFuture will be at Transport Logistic Munich, the most relevant fair in Europe for the Transport & Logistics sector, in a stand together with the project coordinator Circle SpA. Circle is an operational partner of the EU project, which aims to define the “Port of the Future”, in relation to the digitisation of logistics and… Read more »
During the European Maritime Day 2019, in Lisbon on May 16-17th, DocksTheFuture has organized a workshop entitled: “What’s next for green and sustainable ports”, with the participation of 50 attendees. The workshop ensured a European dimension by showcasing the… Read more »
The Docks the Future Midterm Conference titled “Envisioning the Port of the Future: the 2030 horizon, took place today (4th April) in Trieste, hosted by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, counting with over 100 participants. The conference represented the turning point to present the project results achieved thus far, validating concepts, topics… Read more »
Circle S.p.A. (Italy) and Magellan Association – EU Affairs Consultancy (Portugal) are organising the Docks the Future Midterm Conference titled “Envisioning the Port of the Future: the 2030 horizon”. The conference will be held in Trieste on April 4th, hosted by the Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Venue of the event: Molo… Read more »
COREALIS Webinar March 7 @ 11:00 am – 12:40 pm COREALIS Webinar: Living Labs as a stepping stone to the Port of the Future COREALIS project is implementing beyond state of the art, operationally efficient, financially viable and environmentally friendly innovations for future ports. These innovations will be implemented and tested in real operating conditions… Read more »
DocksTheFuture workshop with experts took place in Porto, on the 29th and 30th of October. The workshops were hosted by APDL (Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo) in the Port of Leixões. Special thanks to all the experts who have travelled to Porto to engage in fruitful discussion and to the representatives of… Read more »