BILOG is an agreement signed by La Spezia Port Authority and Municipality of Piacenza in order to create a special event on sustainable, connected and resilient topics with a European spin. The Forum will analyses the regional and European dimensions, on the transport and maritime investments, highlighting the importance of cohesion between the players of the logistics chain.
BiLOG 2019 is a LOGISTICS & MARITIME FORUM that focuses on “The sustainable, connected and the resilient road to 2030”, 16th – 17th October 2019 in La Spezia EXPO. The programme highlights:
- Maritime and logistics facing the 2030 trends
- The Container market and its challenges
- The new TEN-T Regulation and the CEF 2 opportunities
- Connected ports and logistics
- La Spezia port system and the role on the Santo Stefano Dry ports
- Sustainability and circular economy: the Bio LNG case
- Rail last mile and e-logistic
- Blue Growth
- Port of the Future
Also this year, the idea is to organize an event that starts from the most local needs to reach the comparison with the different European realities. Thus a panel was conceived that included all the different needs of the maritime and logistics world. The theme of the event is well described by the three components chosen to define its title and which represent focal points for the development of trans-European transport networks: sustainability, resilience, and connection. The forum will analyze both the regional and European dimension, giving the possibility to improve the knowledge of the EU Transport Policy and of the EU investments in the transport and maritime sector, underlining the importance of cohesion between all the players of the logistics chain.
Conference will provide a high-profile speaker, international case histories and eminent institutional representatives, while the EXPO Boosts your business showcasing your innovative services and products to prospects in the expo area. NETWORKING is another important feature of this even where to Make the most of your visit at BiLOG, take the chance to meet your future partners and customers. During WORKSHOPS, there is the opportunity to Listen to the latest trends in the logistics and maritime sectors and learn more about EU Policy and Funding.
According to the BILOG2019 website, the first day of the event will include
- Opening Session (9:30 – 10:30)
- The Container market and its challenges (10:30 – 11:30)
- The new TEN-T Regulation and the CEF 2 opportunities (11:45 – 12:45) – round table
- Rail last mile and e-logistics (14:00 – 15:15)
- Port Community Systems the way forward (16-00 – 17.00)
And the second day of the event includes
- La Spezia port system and the role of the Santo Stefano Dry port (9.30-11.15)
- Production and use of BioLNG (11.45 – 12:45) – SoS log
- Connected port and logistics (13:45 – 15:15)
- Port of the Future (15:30 – 16:30): Dedicated to the European Commission initiative on the Port of the Future will present the state of play of the related projects, DocksTheFuture, PortForward, Pixel and Corealis.
The Port of the Future presentation is the one where to talk about these port projects and their contribution “to define the Port of the Future in Europe”.
In particular, it is bolded in DocksTheFuture Project where related port challenges in Europe by 2030 such as simplification and digitalization of processes, sustainability, emission reduction, energy transition, climate change, port-city interface and the use of renewable energy management are discussed. Furthermore, it will highlight identifying the appropriate KPIs (“Key Performance Indicators”) and relevant monitoring and evaluation actions. Furthermore, it will put an emphasis on leading to the “Port of the Future Road Map for 2030” that will include a number of exploitation elements such as:
- tools for evaluation and transferability of Port of the Future solutions,
- R&D and policy recommendations,
- training packages and
- the creation of a “Port of the Future Network of Excellence”.
DocksTheFuture , a 2020 Horizon Project, will be presented how with the experience of its professionals in European projects, Circle is leading a working group consisting of academic partners (Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik – ISL in Bremen, Germany and University of Genoa, Italy) and of consulting companies Magellan (Portugal) and PortExpertise (Belgium). It will indicate also that the project addresses a preliminary research on the Port of Future concept, the definition of several Port of the Future topics to be addressed and their related targets in 2030 and a preliminary list of projects that has been clustered t with the RIA (“Research and Innovation Actions”).