The project results, activities and outputs will be assessed and validated by top experts in ports. More than 30 experts in the different Port of the Future Topics have already been identified and will be engaged during the project as a whole.

The experts will be engaged through ad hoc thematic workshops with the main goal of assessing and, above all, validating the different activities carried out by the Consortium. A workshop is a seminar in which the participants work individually and/or in groups to solve actual work related tasks to gain hands-on experience. In detail, DocksTheFuture thematic workshops with experts will be distributed throughout the project critical development path in order to validate desktop and data analysis and project deliverables. The experts will provide an in-depth review of (or introduction to) the project specific topics of interest for the community of the stakeholders, providing participants with materials and/or ideas that are immediately useful in the classroom, and ideally devote significant time to hands-on activities by the attendees.

Specific experts will be invited for each of the selected Port of the Future topics.



Michele Acciaro

Michele Acciaro is associate professor of maritime logistics and director of the Hapag-Lloyd Center for Shipping and Global Logistics (CSGL) at Kühne Logistics University (KLU). Until December 2012 he held the position of Senior Researcher – Green Shipping at the Research and Innovation department of Det Norske Veritas AS (now DNV-GL) in Høvik, near Oslo. Between 2004 and 2010 he worked as deputy director and researcher at the Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL)/Erasmus SmartPort of Erasmus University Rotterdam, with which he is still associated. Michele Acciaro holds a BSc and a MSc (cum Laude) in Statistics and Economics from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”; a MSc in Maritime Economics and Logistics from Erasmus University Rotterdam for which he was awarded the NOL/APL Prize for Student Excellence; and a PhD in Logistics also from Erasmus University Rotterdam. Dr. Acciaro was awarded the Young Researcher Best Paper Prize at the IAME Annual Conference in Cyprus in 2005.


Boris Balev

Mr. Boris Balev is Chief Executive Director of BMF Port Burgas EAD – a concessionaire and port operator of port terminals Burgas East-2 and Burgas West – both of them part of the port of Burgas. Mr. Boris Balev was born in 1969 in the town of Montana. He has over 23 years of experience in the day-to-day management of companies operating in various business sectors. Currently, he is also CEO / Managing Director of the following companies:

“Este Properties” EOOD (construction, management, purchase, sale and rental of real estate) 

“Port Rail” Ltd. (maneuvering activity and rail cargo transport on the territory of Bulgaria),

  • “Bulgarian Cargo Express” AD (logistic services and management of rail cargo transport),
  • “Advance Engineering” AD (research and design activities in the field of energy, design services, consultancy services for the construction and construction of facilities for electricity production and transmission),
  • “Europe Park Development” AD (production of machines and trade with such products)
  • “Europe Park Sofia” EOOD (construction, management and rental of real estate),
  • “Balkancar Sredets” AD (production, service, repair and trade with lifting equipment, real estate management).

During his career he has held management positions in the following companies:

  • “Napredak Holding” AD (acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of shares in Bulgarian and foreign companies);
  • “Huvepharma” AD (currently “Huvepharma” EOOD – a global pharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and marketing of human and animal health products).
  • “Europe Tower Sofia” Ltd. (construction, management and rental of real estate)
  • “Europe Center Sofia” Ltd. (construction, management and rental of real estate)

He graduated from high school with Spanish language profile. He has a master’s degree in International Economic Relations from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. Mr. Boris Balev speaks English, Spanish and Italian languages.


Stefano Bevilacqua 

Stefano Bevilacqua has graduated in Economics at the University of Trieste in 2005. In 2006 he joined the Chamber of Commerce of Gorizia – Special Agency for the Port of Monfalcone as responsible for the promotion and contract department, as well as project manager for some EU funded projects focused on port environment and logistics. From June 2015 he is the executive officer of the Consortium for sewage purifier of the private areas of the Port of Monfalcone. Actually he is involved for the Special Agency for the Port of Monfalcone in PIXEL project, funded by EU in Horizon 2020 programme and related to port IOT and environment.



Christian Blobner 

Christian Blobner earned a Diplom degree in International Economics from Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in 2006. He also earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Napier University in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2005. In 2006 he started working for the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF as a project manager in the Logistics and Factory Systems business unit. There he was responsible for the acquisition and management of international research projects of the business unit in various EU-funding programs. As Head of International Research Networks within Fraunhofer IFF’s International Business Development, Mr. Blobner coordinates the institutes international engagement and cooperation with international partners. He is the institute’s representative in various high-level networks and initiatives, such as EFFRA, ALICE and EERA. Moreover, Mr. Blobner is the responsible manager for the Fraunhofer IFF’s Digital Innovation Hub “The VDTC of the Fraunhofer IFF”.


Stefan Breitenbach 

Stafan Breitenbach is head of the project department at Port of Hamburg Marketing Reg. Assoc. (HHM).HHM is a non-profit association under private law and takes over the location marketing for the Port of Hamburg as well as for its more than 290 member companies along the transport chain. HHM works in close co-operation with associations’ member companies, regional authorities and ministries. Stefan Breitenbach is leading a team in charge for the development and management of national- and international cooperation projects, focusing on transport and supply chain optimisation as well as to contribute to discussions on future EU cohesion and transport policy developments. He holds a BA in Business Administration and has several years of professional experience from a shipping liner agencies viewpoint.


Paul Brewster

Dr Paul Brewster is European Policy adviser at the Irish Maritime Development Office. With over 20 years of experience in the offshore renewable energy and maritime sectors he is responsible for supporting the work of the IMDO on the development of the Irish shipping and shipping services industry. The IMDO is the government agency responsible for providing policy analysis and advice on the maritime sector to Department of Transport in Ireland. It undertakes economic analysis on the maritime sector and socio-economic analysis of all aspects of the ocean economy. Recent projects Paul has been involved with include:- assessing the use of the UK Landbridge for Irish imports and exports; a study on Irish ports for the offshore renewable energy sector; and collaborating with the data analytics research centre, Insight, on the development of “smart ports “ demonstration projects.


Jaime Bustillo


Degree in Economics and Business Administration.

Specialization in “Financial Audit”, “Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and Financial Asset Derivatives” and “Spanish fiscal system”.

Specialist in “Security in the Mediterranean, Near and Middle East”, “Energy Security”. Gutiérrez Mellado University Institute, Ministry of Defence


Professional achievements at Melilla Port Authority

First System Cost Analysis.

First ERP in the Port Authority.

Tax collection procedure implementation in the Port Authority.

Implementation of a Dashboard for the Port Authority, under the methodology “Balanced Scorecard”.

Management of European Programmes:


-ERDF Operational Programme 2000-2006 2007-2013 2014-2020

-Cohesion Fund 2007-2013: Terminal de pasajeros y RORO.


-TEN-T. Project CORE LNGas hive.



Pierre Cariou

Pierre CARIOU is, since 2010, Senior Professor in Shipping and Port Economics at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux Campus). He is visiting professor at Shanghai Maritime University and at the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden. He held the French Chair in Maritime Affairs at the World Maritime University (2004-2010), where he was in charge of Shipping and Port Management specializations. From 2001 to 2004, he was Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics of Nantes (France). He completed his PhD in 2000 on liner shipping strategic alliances and has since then contributed to several reports for private companies (SKS Tanker, Casino Group, CMA CGM, NATEXIS bank…) and public institutions (the French Parliament, the Port Authority of Nantes and Marseille…). His main research interests are shipping/port economics and maritime safety, topics on which he published more than 60 academic papers. He is head of the Maritime Governance, Trade and Logistics lab within the KEDGE Business School Supply Chain Center of Excellence (CESIT) and is a founder member of He was Vice President of the International Association of Maritime Economists (2014-2016) and KEDGE Dean of Research from 2015 to 2017.


Elena Cervasio

Elena Cervasio was born in Turin on August 15th 1976. She lived in Singapore, Malaysia and UK, after her University degree in Economics she started working for consulting companies, and then for fashion and media international organizations in the sales and marketing depts. In 2008 she joined DNV as key account manager, dedicated to food and sustainability projects. In 2012 she took the position of Business Development Manager in LR Group, where she dedicated to developing non certification business, supporting LR clients for the review and design of business models toward the principles of CSR. In 2014 she became member of the board of SosLog, and created with some experts of the logistic sector the protocol for sustainable logistic, presented to the Italian government and today applied by main companies in the sector. In 2016 she participated to the MOS conference in Rotterdam, and in 2018 was appointed as sustainability expert for Ports of the future. Elena’s aim is to spread sustainability culture along supply chains through the inclusion of as many stakeholders as possible ad work for the heritage given to the next generations.


Andrea Chiappetta

Dr. Andrea Chiappetta is the CEO of ASPISEC and board member at EXEIN spa (Spin off of ASPISEC specialized Firmware Security). He graduated from International Economics and he holds a PhD in Economy. He served as a Professor in Geopolitical Economy at Marconi International University (CSOCIP) where he was also the Director of the Cyber Security Observatory on Critical Infrastructure Protection. Andrea has a great expertise in the fields of transport infrastructures as he has managed and participated in more than 10 EU projects of common interest relating to the development of new Motorways of the sea routes, Intelligent Transport System and freight transport. As a partner of the European Services Institute he coordinated the research activities of the DoMuS district specialising in Security and Energy. Andrea has participated as a speaker in several international conferences  (NASA; UNECE, NATO) and he has published a number of papers and articles as well.


Roberto Cinquegrani

Degreed cum laude in Business Administration at the University of Naples Federico II in 1988, special student at M.I.T. (Cambridge, Mass, USA) in 1990/91. Former principle in CapGemini Consulting he is, since 2015, partner at M.R.G. Consulting and Board member of MAR.TE.
During his carrer he was CEO and/or Chairman of several national and international transport companies mainly operating in the freight and combined transport, such as Italcontainer – Italy’s leading in maritime combined transpor–, Intercontainer – European leader in maritime combined transport –, Autostrada Ferroviara Alpina – Italo/FrenchJoint venture launching new technologies for transportation of lorries by rail – Serfer – rail undertaker also managing shunting operations all over Italy. Dr. Cinquegrani was also board member of TxLogistik (Germany) and of other companies in the FS group. He became Surface Transports Director and then Sales and Marketing Director at ATAC. As partner of M.R.G. Consulting worked at the Ethiopian Rail Corporation both on operational issues and stratrgic planning. He worked on the commercial development of new railway lines in Uzbekistan by JSC and supported several Italian clients on strategic and operational fields.


João Costa 

João Costa is the innovation manager of the PIXEL Ports Project. Mr. Costa is a senior researcher at XLAB Research, holding a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Ljubljana. He worked as a researcher in data analysis at the Institute Jozef Stefan, and has experience with project management, business development and marketing processes in the R&D. He collaborates for 7+ years with the business development team at the premium remote desktop product ISL Online, and was head of marketing at the bioinformatics SME Genialis




Rosa Mari Darbra

Dr. Darbra is Associated Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of the UPC with a PhD in Environmental Sciences (2005). R.M. Darbra received the Young Professional Award (ECOPORTS Foundation, 2005) for her outstanding contribution to ECOPORTS project (2002-2005). She is accredited by Lloyd’s Register as an environmental auditor.
Rosa Mari has conducted research in different international organisms, such as Cardiff University (United Kingdom) or the World Maritime University (Sweden) where she participated in a project on places of refuge. She also worked at the the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) as a post-doc researcher on risk assessment issues and at Wollogong University (Australia) as a lecturer and head researcher of an international project between Australia and New Zealand on safety of maritime pilots. Her last stage abroad was as a European project manager at the Port of Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Rosa Mari leads a research line focused on the analysis of the environmental risk in ports. At UPC, R.M. Darbra also has worked as an evaluator of safety studies for the Generalitat de Catalunya. Currently she is the responsible for sustainability in the Chemical Engineering Department (section Barcelona) and coordinator of the chemical studies in the industrial engineering degree.


Wiebe de Boer

Mr. De Boer has 8 years of professional experience in harbour and coastal engineering. After his MSc degree in Civil Engineering & Management at the University of Twente (2009), he worked for 1 year at the same university as a researcher on marine dynamics (tidal dynamics, sand waves). From 2010 onwards Mr. De Boer works as advisor/researcher at  the Harbour, Coastal and Offshore Engineering department of Deltares. He gained international experience as coastal morphologist and project manager on projects related to coastal erosion mitigation, coastal impacts of ports, port and channel sedimentation and Building with Nature. As a coordinator of the R&D program Coastal & Offshore Engineering he is striving to apply new technologies and integrate knowledge from different disciplines to solve both today’s and tomorrow’s challenges, including climate change adaptation and sustainability. Since 2016 Mr. De Boer is also working part-time as a researcher at Delft University of Technology on sustainable port development in an African context.


Flavio Fuart

Flavio Fuart joined XLAB in October 2016 as project manager of IoT R&D projects. He currently leads XLAB teams participating in PIXEL (Port IoT Solution for environmental leverage) and Topp (AI-assisted design of underground connections in smart cities) research projects. He also led XLAB teams that participated in INTER-IoT (Interoperability of IoT Platforms) and AALHP (Ambient Assisted Living Health Platform) research projects. Between 2013 and 2016 he was Senior IT Expert at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana. His work focused on productization, optimisation, integration and deployment of research modules, as well as research tasks related to text processing and on-line media monitoring. Previously, he worked for six years as Scientific and Technical Officer at the Global Security Unit of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He managed IT projects that provided services to departments of the European Commission and other organisations (Council of the EU, European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organisation, UN OCHA and national law enforcement agencies). He was responsible for the design, development and deployment of tools for open data sources monitoring and early warning. For a brief period, he worked as IT consultant for the Communications and Information Services branch of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


Salvador Furió                 

Salvador Furió holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a Master of Science in Port Management and Intermodal Transport from the University of Comillas (ICADE). After six  years of experience as Project Manager in Logista, the main logistics operator in Spain, he joined the Valenciaport Foundation in 2004 as Director of Logistics and Intermodality. Since then, he has participated in and directed numerous research, consultancy and cooperation projects at national, European and international levels. These projects have always been related to port development, container logistics, maritime, rail and intermodal transport, trade facilitation, planning and design of logistics platforms and energy efficiency and environmental management. In addition, during this period he has been a lecturer and regular collaborator on different master’s degrees at the Universities of Valencia and Castellón and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and has participated in national and international congresses on transport and logistics. He is the director of the IDB’s online course on Single Windows for Foreign Trade.


Turi Fiorito

Turi Fiorito is the Director of the European Federation of Inland Ports. He has over 5 years of expertise in EU transport policy. He was the former transport Policy Advisor to Member of the European Parliament Wim van de Camp, working on legislation such as the Mobility Package, Port Services Regulation and the Fourth Railway Package. Preceding this, Mr. Fiorito worked for the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi. He graduated Cum Laude from Utrecht University as a Master in International Relations.




Aristos Halatsis

Mr. Aristos Halatsis is a Senior Project Manager with the Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH/HIT). He holds an MSc in Logistics & Transportation and an ΜΒΑ, and has more than 20 years of professional experience in the areas of port operations and logistics & intermodal freight transport management, including both EU-funded research projects and industry studies. Mr Halatsis has served as an expert/evaluator to a number of EU Programmes, among which the TEN‐T/CEF Programme, the Marco Polo II Programme, the Information Society (ICT for Transport) Programme, and as the CEO of one of the Greek Port Authorities.



Dirk ’t Hooft

Dirk ‘t Hooft is currently working as an independent Senior Advisor. At European level he is active involved in research and innovation projects. Member of the Secretariat and member of the Executive Group of “ALICE”, (Alliance for Logistics Innovation through Collaboration in Europe), the European Technology Platform on Logistics. He was also project leader of the European FP7 research project CO3 on Horizontal Collaboration in the Supply Chain. Mr. ‘t Hooft works in the Netherlands, as Senior Advisor Logistics Collaboration for Argusi b.v. and is involved with Argusi in the H2020 project CLUSTERS 2.0. After his graduation in economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Mr. ‘t Hooft worked in several senior executive positions in Publishing and Agricultural Machinery and was thereafter 6 years CEO of EBS, the Bulk Stevedoring Company in the Port of Rotterdam, 6 years CEO of the Flower Auction of Aalsmeer and 11 years as CEO of HIDC (Holland International Distribution Council). Mr. ‘t Hooft is experienced in the management of innovation projects, is able to match people and organizations, and has a broad international experience.


Frank Janssens 

Frank Janssens is a well-known international expert and lead consultant in the domains of streamlining and digitalising Trade Facilitation, Customs Procedures and Border Management. Frank holds a master degree in economics and international trade and studied in Europe and the USA. Frank has also completed advanced training in project management and the use of modern technology to facilitate customs processes and cross border trade in general. In his capacity as international consultant, Frank provides support to many projects on customs, trade facilitation and streamlining cross border procedures which are managed by international organisations, associations and companies. Related to maritime and multi-modal transport, Frank is since mid-2018 advising the Moroccan National Agency for Ports to modernise port procedures in a project jointly implemented with the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation. Frank has provided support to the Single Window preparations project in Sri Lanka, where Colombo Port will be the main user and is also providing support where possible to the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA) and several short-term projects in Europe, Africa and Middle East. Until mid-2017 Frank was Head of Unit at the European Commission responsible for reengineering of the EU Customs Processes under the new Union Customs Code (UCC), the creation of the EU Customs Data model, as well as planning and management of numerous Customs Digitalisation Projects in the EU and partner countries.


Eleni Krikigianni

Mrs. Eleni Krikigianni has graduated from the Urban Planning engineering school of the University of Thessaly in 2013. She holds a MSc degree in urban planning and regional development from the University of Thessaly and she has also obtained a MSc degree in Geoinformatics from the Harokopeio University of Greece. Eleni has a significant experience in environmental engineering, transport planning and security & risks assessment. She has been involved as the project manager of several EU-funded projects (H2020, FP7 and national projects), including but not limited to Valleta Port Risks, GeoSmartCity, Clusters 2.0, ELVITEN. Her research interests include sophisticated techniques of utilizing geographical information systems and remote sensing techniques as well as the simulation /modelling of geographical data. Regarding application domains, she is mostly active in the field of environment, focusing on transport sustainability and ICT technologies, logistics operations, freight transport and port management.


Jennie Larsson

Jennie Larsson is a Research Associate at World Maritime University in the field of ocean and coastal governance & management and holds a background in criminal and procedural law (LL.M from the Faculty of Law, Lund University) and environmental management and policy (MSc from the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University). Between 2010-2015 she worked as a legal advisor in environmental law and as a sustainabilty consultant for companies and industries (Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR). Jennie has since 2011 been working with coastal communities and ports in the south of Sweden in order to improve the model of bottom-up management and address marine and coastal risks. At the moment she is leading a project to build up a circular coastal region with industrial symbiosis in the south of Sweden. Since 2016 she is also conducting her PhD with a focus on how to improve multi-stakeholder partnerships as means to improve ocean and coastal governance and management and better adapt to coastal and marine risks. Circular economy is an important tool in this work.


Mikael Lind

Mikael Lind is an Associate Professor and a Senior strategic research advisor at RISE Viktoria, Sweden, and has initiated and heads a substantial part of several open innovation initiatives related to ICT for sustainable transports of people and goods including Sea Traffic Management and Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM). Lind is also the co-founder of Maritime Informatics and has a part-time employment at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden




Miguel A. Llorente

Miguel A. Llorente is Telecommunications Engineer (MSc, 2009), MBA in Global Markets (2014), and MSc in Industry 4.0 (2018) with 10 years of experience in ICT R&D projects. He has a strong background in sensor networks, tiny/low power communications, ambient intelligence and IoT systems. He worked for 6 years in fields as CEP for pattern recognition, alerts or situation detection in indoor with IoT and Real Time Location Systems. He joined Prodevelop in June 2016 as R&D Engineer to create IoT solutions in the Ports Logistics and Maritime sector, leading software architecture of H2020 INTER-IoT project and collaborating in product definition for ports and terminals. Currently, he is Technical Coordinator of PIXEL, a H2020 project for building the ports of the future.



Edwin Lock

Mr. Edwin Lock has obtained a B.Sc. in Port Management & Logistics and a M.Sc. in Maritime Studies. He is an independent management advisor and economist in the field of maritime transport and port development with a focus on operational, financial, economic and organisational aspects. He has been involved over 25 years in many projects worldwide regarding port privatisation & PPP transactions, port and maritime policy and strategy, logistic improvements, management information systems, capital investments and organisational restructuring. Mr. Lock has developed a financial module for investments in ports and related infrastructure. He was involved in the restructuring and privatisation of Portnet in South Africa and the Port of St. Petersburg (Russia). Mr. Lock prepared the Assessment of Tanzania’s Ports in the Regional Economic Environment for the Tanzania Port Authorities. In the port of Paramaribo (Suriname) he introduced Activity Based Costing and a methodology and model to determine terminal lease tariffs. For the European Commission he evaluated Marco Polo transport and Motorways of the Seas project proposals (ports, maritime transport, IWT and rail).


Tarik Maaouni

Chief Information and Digital Officer AGENCE NATIONALE DES PORTS. With over 20 years of experience in managing digital business transformation, Mr. Tarik MAAOUNI successively held senior management positions in information systems for private and public companies in France and Morocco, in financial, banking, transport, maritime and logistics sectors. Graduate of an engineering school specializing in applied mathematics and computer science (ENSIMAG) and a Master in Finance from IAE de Paris, Mr. Tarik MAAOUNI started his career in France in 1991 where he successively held positions of architect, engineering, and information system consultant before taking the management of banking and financial information system. Mr. Tarik MAAOUNI joined National Port Agency of Morocco (ANP) in 2012, as Chief Information Officer to manage the Moroccan Ports digital transformation and coordinate the National Single Window for Foreign Trade of Morocco (PORTNET).  This large-scale project from a government’s political will and implemented through a public-private partnership has mobilized the active players and companies in the port community and Foreign Trade of Morocco around the objectives of competitiveness, transparency and sustainable economic development.


Gemma Molero

Gemma Molero is a Chemical Engineer by the Universitat de València and PhD in Engineering projects by Universitat Politècnica de València. She is co-founder and CEO of AITEC which is a R&D (research and development) performing Spanish SME focused on transport and logistics ( Gemma has some works published in indexed journals about research on safer, more secure and greener container terminals and she is actively working to improve the CSR (corporate social responsibility) protocols in the transport system including ports.



Benjamin Molina

Benjamin Molina received his M.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPVLC) in 2001 and 2013, respectively. He made his awarded final project about voice technologies in Tissat, an ICT company in Valencia, where he worked for a year developing mobile Java services. Later he became a member of the Distributed Real-Time Systems research group of the Communication Department, at the UPVLC. Benjamin Molina has worked for more than twelve years on national and international research projects (EU-FP6, EU-FP7, EU-H2020) related to network configuration and simulation, multimedia distribution, multicast, and web caching. His current research activities are focused on indoor positioning and navigation for mobility services and interoperability within IoT environments for logistics, health and ageing services


Federica Montaresi

Head of Special Projects, Innovation and Institutional Relations in the Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea,  acquired a degree in Civil Engineering (specialization in Transport) in 2005 at Pisa University. She had worked for European Commission in transport sector from 2005 to 2007. She has been working for La Spezia Port Authority (today Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea) since 2007 as Responsible for Special Projects, Innovation and EU Programmes. She has a very good experience in cooperation projects and in the management of technical projects concerning logistics, intermodal freight transport, green freight corridors, Motorways of the Sea,  environmental projects (cold ironing , LNG, innovative projects to reduce the enviromental impact of port activities on urban area), marketing analysis regarding new potential inland markets linked to ports, new IT solutions to reduce the complexity in logistic operations  along the supply chain including e-custom, e-freight and e-maritime processes.
Relevant technical and management expertise linked to the following subjects: planning of infrastructure projects related to rail and road transport, maritime works; overall  transport and logistics chain design, including terminal operations, railways management,  ITC supporting the digitalization of the supply chain, LNG and alternative fuel strategic deployment.
– President of La Spezia Shunting Railways, the company for the management of shunting operations in the Port of La Spezia;
– Member of the Digital Transport and Logistics Forum for two mandate (2015-2018; 2018-2023);
– Member of the European Corridor Forum SCANMED;
– Speaker of the Terminal Advisory Board of  Rail Freight Corridor SCANMED;
– Project Coordinator of the European project WiderMoS funded under the TEN-T MOS 2012 programme –
– Technical management of feasibility studies and cooperation agreements for the development of commercial relations between freight and logistics platforms and  the Port of La Spezia;
– Project Coordinator of studies and strategic planning for rail infrastructure in the Port of La Spezia and S.Stefano Magra dry port;
– Project Manager of the Port Community System Port of La Spezia;
– Speaker in many international conferences representing the Port of La Spezia;


Sara Maria Murta Ribeiro  


Post- graduate course on Prospective, Strategy and Innovation – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisbon Post-graduate course on Project Management – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa

Post-graduate course on Accountability, Public Finances and Budget Management – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa

Advanced course on Management of Public Real Estate – Instituto Nacional de Administração, Lisboa

Law Degree – Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa

Professional Activity

2017- Present Member of the Board – Transtejo – Transportes Tejo, S.A.; Member of the Board – Soflusa – Sociedade Fluvial de Transportes, S.A.
2016 Advisor for the Secretary of State for Budget of Portugal; Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training – Public Employment Service (IEFP, I.P.), representing the Minister of Finance of Portugal

2014 – 2016 – Senior Technician in the General Administration Department of the General Secretariat of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Portugal
2012 – 2014 – Senior Technician for the Regulating Authority of the Water and Residue Services (ERSAR)
2010 – 2012  National representative in the OECD programme “LEED – Local Economic and Employment Development” and Director of the Employment Department of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training , (IEFP, I.P.)
2007 – 2010 – Director of the Department for Organizational and Strategical Development of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.)
2001 – 2007 – Director of Administration Services of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.)
2000 – Advisor for the Executive Committee of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.)
1997 – 1999 – Senior Technician of the of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP, I.P.)
1992 – 1999 – Lawyer


Bogdan Oldakowski

Since July 2006 Secretary General of the Baltic Ports Organization. The founder and co – owner of Actia Forum Ltd established in 2000. In years 2003 – 1996 he worked as at various positions in the Port of Gdańsk Authority Co. At the same time he was a chairman of the Environment Committee of the Baltic Ports Organization. Involved in work of several international transport related organizations: e.g. European Sea Ports Organization, International Maritime Organization. Organizer, chairman and speakers at many international conferences. Graduated in 1993 from University of Gdansk, Faculty of Physical Oceanography. He is also graduated from Law and Management post-graduate studies at Gdańsk University of Technology. Participated in professional trainings on management, transport, environment, international relation affairs. His hobby are sports (tennis, football, skiing), jazz, contemporary art.


Alessandro Panaro
Maritime Transport Economist, Head of Maritime & Mediterranean Economy Department at SRM (Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group). Coordinator of the Permanent Observatory on Maritime Transports and Logistics. He has conducted a lot of research about maritime economy, ports, airports, logistic platforms, railways, infrastructure, Special Economic Zones in collaboration with research centers and international universities like Rotterdam, Shanghai, Seoul, Antwerp and Hamburg. Speaker at numerous scientific conferences, meetings and seminars nationally and internationally. He has authored scientific essays and articles published in scientific and technical journals. He
coordinates SRM’s magazine: Dossier European Union. Member of the International Propeller Club and of GEI “Gruppo Economisti di Impresa”. Member of Scientific Committee of Soslog (Association for Sustainable Logistics) and IRGIT (Center of Research related to University of Naples “Federico II).


Frederico Pinto Ferreira

Project officer of Fórum Oceano since January 2013, he has a wealth of work experience related with maritime economy and affairs, namely: worked for the Forward Studies Unit of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), participating in the "Europe of the Sea” Study (CRPM's contribution to designing the European Strategy for the Sea); Made part of the Maritime Policy Task Force of European Commission, in Brussels, where he had responsibilities on regional issues and socio-economic data; He was also Executive Director of IDCEM –Institute for the Development of the Knowledge and Economy of the Sea. Currently as project officer of Fórum Oceano he is engaged with activities related with the sectors of Shipbuilding and Ship repair, Marine Energies, Marine technologies, and Ports, Maritime Transports and Logistics, and he is responsible for project management and cooperation concerning industry/research connections as well as networking activities and assistance to setting up new projects ideas and new business opportunities.


Eduard Rodés

He began his career in Information Systems and international business. Having completed a Bachelor Degree in Business Studies, he went on to complete an MBA at IESE (Institute of Higher Education of Business – or Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa) in 1985, Mr Rodés entered the business world striving to make a change in the way businesses function with the development of the Internet and electronic data interchange. In 1999 Mr Rodés found his way to the Port of Barcelona, and worked as a general director of PortIC, the Barcelona’s central Port Community System. He oversaw the creation of the company, before moving on towards the Department of International Cooperation at the Port Authority of Barcelona.
He advanced through the organization, working as the director of business development, manager of digital commerce projects with other countries, director of the customer services department of the port authority, creator of the CCLink bulletin, among others. Since its foundation in 2006 he has been the director and the force behind 2E3S, guiding it through its evolution to the reference institution it has become today. Mr Rodés also dedicates his time towards teaching and advisory roles, serving as the president of the Training, Innovation, Research and Development Commission of the Barcelona Catalunya Centre Logistic, Responsible of the working group of Training of the Advisory Board for the Promotion of the Barcelona’s Port Community and as a professor of entrepreneurship in the University of Barcelona, e-logistics in the University of Oviedo and intermodal transport in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He is also a regular teacher of e-freight and intermodal transport at the Escola’s maritime and rail courses and owns a Certificate of Proficiency in Nautical Science and Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


Jose Sanchez

José M P Sánchez works as external strategic advisor for AIVP (International Association of Ports and Cities). He is responsible for content management, the Port Center Network, academic relationships and for developing AIVP Agenda 2030. He recently submitted his PhD in Hamburg Hafencity University focused on sustainable port-city relationships. In his research career he received different grants to pursue his investigation. In 2011 he finished his architectural studies (Bachelor + Master), both at Lisbon’s Technical University, been awarded with the Top 20 Master students’ price. Jose Sánchez has worked as an architect in renowned practices, and as independent consultant, lecturer and researcher. He is also the author of the blog, where he shares his views on port cities.


Tiedo Vellinga

Tiedo Vellinga has 38 years of experience in research and development in the field of ports and waterways. He has been working for Port of Rotterdam Authority in different disciplines. In recent years he has been responsible for all the environmental studies, the stakeholder management and the needed permits for the realisation of the sustainable new Port of Rotterdam expansion Maasvlakte 2. He has been co-founder of the PIANC Working with Nature Initiative which was launched in 2008. He has been the author of the World Ports Climate Declaration in 2008 and he lead the World Ports Climate Initiative on the development and implementation of the Environmental Ship Index. In a joint international initiative of PIANC (The World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure) and IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbors), he has been the Chairman of the working group that prepared the PIANC-IAPH report on Sustainable Ports (May 2014). From 2004 he has been an appointed Associate Professor of Ports and Waterways within Delft University of Technology (TUD). From December 2010 till March 2018 he was appointed the Professor Ports and Waterways at TUD. Since March 2018 he is a Professor Emeritus responsible for several research projects related to ports and waterways including PhD projects.