Energy transition should be one of the most important journeys for EU ports, that are also envisaged to become energy hubs. Shore-Side Electricity (SSE) plays a central role in this path, and the EALING Project is focused on that. DOWNLOAD the EALING Project Final Recommendations for a harmonised framework on SSE in EU ports developed in the frame of EALING project.

The document presents the compilation of the advices gathered from the main EU Ports, shipping stakeholders and partners of the EALING Project consortium to bring forward the deployment of SSE infrastructures in European ports.

Built upon the analyses developed within the Detailed analysis on the existing national/port regulations directly or indirectly related to shore side electricity supplythe Executive Summary on Ports Questionnaire and the Executive Summary on Shipping Questionnaire, the Final Recommendations are focused on 5 main areas of study, providing inputs that could facilitate the adoption and the deployment of SSE infrastructures in EU ports.