March 7 @ 11:00 am – 12:40 pm
COREALIS Webinar: Living Labs as a stepping stone to the Port of the Future
COREALIS project is implementing beyond state of the art, operationally efficient, financially viable and
environmentally friendly innovations for future ports. These innovations will be implemented and tested in real operating conditions in 5 Living Labs (Piraeus, Valencia, Antwerp, Livorno and Haminakotka ports) for assisting ports in land use optimization, infrastructure upgrades minimization, urban quality improvement and circular economy principles respect.
As a first step for the innovation’s implementation, a set of COREALIS user stories and high-level scenarios have been identified through a stakeholder co-design process implemented during and after five Living Lab (LL) focus groups, via coordinating brainstorming sessions. The identified stories and scenarios have been made available through the interactive Trello platform, which facilitates a shared shaping and discussion of a user story, giving the flexibility for subsequent off-line improvements and additions.
The webinar is organised to present the already developed scenarios per LL, their objectives and their contribution to the common COREALIS’s goal, for triggering any interested stakeholder in the local vicinity of the COREALIS LLs but also beyond this, and allowing for a comprehensive understanding and a maximum visibility of these scenarios.
COREALIS webinar is free of charge, bur registration is required. Please register here.
An indicative agenda can be also found here.