Infrastructural enhancement and increase of land and port capacity to connect Mediterranean ports

Integration of logistic chains between ports, new services to support people and goods mobility and improvement of environmental performances.  BCLink European Project is developed by Ports of Barcelona and Civitavecchia for the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean Corridor. Register here AGENDA –  Infrastructure upgrading in the Port of Civitavecchia: realized works and future developments Francesco Maria di Majo, President of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Port… Read more »


Is Hydrogen the new LNG? | Connecting EU Insights

Cleaner energy for the future of the maritime sector passes also through the construction of hydrogen-powered ships: with a roadmap that foresees an investment of 500 billion dollars by 2030, the European Union could become the strategic context for the construction of a hydrogen hub. Register here AGENDA Chairman: Alexio Picco, EU Funding Expert and Circle Group… Read more »


Connecting EU Insights | Now online SMART – C Session Agenda

Artificial Intellingence to manage the traffic of trucks in the port of Ancona area and digitalisation of information flows for evolutive customs procedures: these are the main features of SMART–C, EU project within CEF framework, for the improvement of the quality of traffic related to ferry services – embarking and disembarking operations, security checks and customs clearing procedures – and the… Read more »


Rise of Asian Economic Powers: Europe needs a robust strategy towards Asia

1 According to The Guardian Report, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says end of US-led global system and Europe needs a robust strategy for Asia. The Asian century may have arrived marking the end of a US-led global system, the EU’s foreign affairs chief has said amid a growing discussion in Europe on how… Read more »


Sustainability: the focus of development in ports

The Sustainable Future Ports Moving towards sustainability is also a social challenge that entails international and national law, urban planning and transport, local and individual lifestyles and ethical consumerism. The sustainable future port is a concept considering not only to the economical scope but also the environmental and social scopes. The concept of “Sustainability” for ports is the integration of the environmentally friendly methods… Read more »


DocksTheFuture’s 3rd ICC meeting was held on the EU Green Deal and the challenges and drivers for European Ports

The 3rd International Consultative Committee (ICC) meeting Date: 29th July 2020, Time: 11 a.m. -12 p.m. Place: Online meeting     Agenda: EU Green Deal and the challenges and drivers for the European ports Introduction  By Mr.Picco and Mr.Karimpour from Circle ESPO presentation By Ms.Isabelle Ryckbost – the Secretary General: ESPO Green Deal position paper… Read more »


The 3rd ICC meeting with the presentation of ESPO’s Roadmap to implement the European Green Deal objectives in ports

With the pleasure to have Isabelle Ryckbos: the Secretary General of ESPO , and also Valter Selén:Senior Policy Advisor of the ESPO, our DocksTheFuture’s 3rd International Consultative Committee (ICC) meeting will take place today 29 July virtually with the participation of project partners and the 5 distinguished members of the consultative committee.


Port-City Redevelopment and the Circular Economy Agenda in Europe

By R. Karimpour In the era of globalisation, our world is in transition and there are challenges every day, such as climate change, and natural resource depletion. These environmental challenges threaten our lives and necessitate taking measures to transition toward resilient and reliable low-carbon developments. In this context, sustainability has recently gained substantial attention across sectors. In the face… Read more »


Ports on the move to become Global Logistics Information Exchange Hubs

Ports are taking significant strides with digital transformation and are starting to declare themselves as “smart.” The result is impressive gains in operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and customer satisfaction. Smart ports have the opportunity to establish themselves as logistics information exchange hubs serving their regional transport ecosystem.  As ports digitalize their processes, they establish foundations… Read more »