Register for April 26: DocksTheFuture Network of Excellence meets the Getting to Zero Coalition

Towards the Port of the Future: DocksTheFuture Network of Excellence meetsthe Getting to Zero Coalition 26th April 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Accelerating maritime shipping’s decarbonization with the development and deployment of commercially viable deep sea zero emission vessels by 2030 and gathering the most innovative ports willing to team up and take actions to support… Read more »


Open Call for Innovative Start Ups | 5G-LOGINNOV

5G-LOGINNOV is presenting a call for proposals dedicated to innovative start-ups  and SMEs, for the deployment of a use case/application within the 5G-LOGINNOV eco-system. THE PROJECT 5G-LOGINNOV is a project funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Grant Agreement No. 957400 (Innovation Action). The project aims at optimising freight… Read more »


EALING Workshop with Associations – Towards a harmonised onshore power supply development in Europe

The EALING Workshop with Associations – Towards a harmonised onshore power supply development in Europe was held on 25th February and it represents the beginning of the interaction path between EALING project, Institutions and Associations, in the process of definition of a common harmonised and interoperable framework for the development of OPS in Europe. The workshop – that… Read more »


Ports’ Relationship in the Mediterranean region: future cooperations, competences and competitions

The Mediterranean Sea is the largest of the semi enclosed European seas: its basin area covers almost 2.6 million km2 , 0.82 % of the world’s ocean surface. Surrounded by 22 countries and territories from Europe, Africa and the Middle East that share a coastline of 46 000 km, it is connected to the Atlantic… Read more »


Mediterranean Ports’ competences and competitions

The Mediterranean is an especially appropriate area for transport trade. The main global maritime route crosses the Mediterranean Sea from Suez to Gibraltar; one of the centers of the global economy is situated on the Northern shore of the Mediterranean; and the EU is opening its doors to new members. Moreover, emergent economies are located… Read more »


Suez Canal, and the Belt & Road Initiative: the Role of the Mediterranean countries

The BRI and the Chinese development strategy for the future The Chinese Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is probably the most important investment project worldwide since the Marshall Plan that followed World War 2 in terms of number of countries involved in the project and amount of financial resources devoted to the initiative. Based on… Read more »


Connecting EU Insights, the 4-day virtual event dedicated to the shipping industry

CIRCLE: on October, 26th Connecting EU Insights, the 4-day virtual event dedicated to the shipping industry and its transition towards the Green New Deal, is off to start. Digitalisation, Evolutive Customs Corridors, integration of the Supply Chain, Smart Terminals, A.I., but also Arctic Route, Hydrogen e Wind Propulsion are among the main issues of the digital event organized by… Read more »


Docks the Future presents the Network of Excellence

Docks the Future presents the Network of Excellence The Network of Excellence – output of Docks the Future Project –  gathers the most innovative ports willing to team up and take actions to support the maritime community in developing innovative projects and in achieving their sustainable targets, based on the opportunities deriving from funding programmes… Read more »


A Questionnaire of ” autoMated vessels and supply chain Optimisation for sustainable short SEa Shipping (MOSES)” Project

MOSES at a Glance Ports play a decisive role in the EU’s external and internal trade, as about 74% of imports and exports and 37% of exchanges go through ports. Although ports and especially Deep Sea Shipping (DSS) ports are integral nodes within multimodal logistic flows, Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and inland waterways are not… Read more »


Wind Propulsion: the next big thing

During this session, we’ll have the pleasure to interview two of the protagonists of the wind propulsion renaissance, who will answer all your questions on this subject, which is more and more discussed among the maritime community.  Wind assisted propulsion is going to be a reality earlier than we expect in the Med area. Of course, there… Read more »