Docks The Future, the European Commission funded project aiming at defining the vision for the ports of the future in 2030, announces as one of its many outputs the launch of The Network of Excellence, gathering the most innovative ports willing to team up and take actions to support the maritime community achieving the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through opportunities given by International funding programmes such as the ones set by the EU Green Deal.

Valencia Port Foundation, Port of Ystad, Port de Barcellona, APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company, IMDO Irish Ports, Centre-North Tyrrhenian Sea Ports System Authority (Ports of Civitavecchia – Fiumicino – Gaeta), Gijon Port Authority and Porto de Aveiro have already joined the Network, in order to develop innovative projects to achieve their sustainable targets.

More, in particular, the Network (which is run by the partners involved in the DockTheFuture project) promotes ideas for the Port of the Future, inspired by other ongoing initiatives and proposals and has a leading and proactive role in the process of overcoming the industry challenges of today and tomorrow.
It also will speed up the distribution of practical innovative ideas and best practices, promoting new technologies to innovate the business and the whole port industry, and will enrich the dialogue with and among other organisations such as the European Technology Platforms, international associations and maritime clusters.

The Network of Excellence, open to cooperation with any organization from maritime and logistics interested in making a contribution, will offer continuous updates on forthcoming calls for proposals, engaging members in the discussion through specific digital channels and platforms such as a dedicated website, news digest and organizing networking digital and physical events with the participation of top-tier experts.
Circle, company heading the homonymous Group specialized in the analysis and development of automation and digitalization solutions for port and intermodal logistics sec-tors, listed on the AIM Italia market organized and managed by Borsa Italiana, will take care, through its Connecting EU Business Unit, of the technical organization of the Network.

Preliminary core topics of DocksTheFuture Network of Excellence will focus on are energy efficiency (e.g. cold ironing, smart grid), alternative fuels (e.g. bio-fuels, hydrogen), sustainable and resilient transport infrastructure system, emerging technologies and digitalisation across the
logistic chain, cyber security, innovative financing tools, multimodal transport, city-port relation and circular economy.

Genoa, 9th July 2020






About Docks The Future

The EU’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) selected, under the Horizon 2020 programme, the DocksTheFuture project within the ‘Smart, green and integrated transport’ challenge, which includes areas such as aviation, infrastructure, green vehicles and ‘Blue Growth.’ The 1.2 million EUR and 30 months’ long project kicked off in January 2018. Circle S.p.A. (Italy) has led the group consisting of academic partners (the University of Genoa (Italy) and consulting companies (Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik – ISL (Bremen, Germany) Magellan (Portugal) and PortExpertise (Belgium).

The project has focused on research needed to implement new port concepts, new management models, innovative design, engineering, construction, and operation technologies solutions for full customer satisfaction in future ports. The project set out to refine the Port of Future concepts, topics, and their related targets in 2030, identify appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPI), monitoring and evaluation and lead to the ‘Port of the Future Road Map for 2030.’

See for more info on the project. Contact us at


For any further information:
Circle S.p.A. – Via Bombrini 13/3, 16149 Genoa (ITALY)
Nicoletta Garzoni, Media Relations Manager
Mail: – Mobile: +39 3392367218