DockstheFuture and ALICE platform were jointly organising a TRA invited session on “The Future of Ports: vision 2030 – Bringing together innovative technologies, tools and policies through an EU network” in a form of a webinar was on Tuesday, 23 June at 11:00-12:30 CEST.


The webinar is a redesigned invited session supposed to take place at the TRA2020 conference in Helsinki, Finland 27-30 April 2020.

The four H2020 important initiatives – DockstheFuture, COREALIS, PortForward, PixelPorts – and an Interreg project – ResQU2, join forces under the umbrella of the ALICE platform to bring latest innovative technologies and tools for future ports.


The webinar agendaThe Future of Ports: vision 2030 – Bringing together innovative technologies, tools, and policies through an EU network

Organiser: Manuela Flachi; Magellan

Moderator:  Salvador Furio;  ALICE corridors, hubs and synchromodality chair


  • Nicola Sacco, University of Genova
  • Wiebe de Boer Deltares
  • Ignacio Lacalle Úbeda, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
  • Christian Blobner, Fraunhofer Institut
  • Lauri Ojala, University of Turku


The meeting is recorded, and you can watch it here:


The Presentations can be downloaded from the below links: