On 14th December was held during the Connecting EU Insights December edition the Final Event of the SMART -C project, led by Central Adriatic Sea Port Authority. The event was focused on the EU’s new digital single transport environment: information sharing and interoperability among IT platforms together with a uniform legal framework (e-FTI) are crucial factors towards the EU’s new digital single transport environment that will enable cut of costs for operators, removal of barriers, reduction of the environmental footprint, increase of security and effectiveness in the new EU transport single market.

Representatives from DG MOVE, DG TAXUD, CINEA, ALICE, Central Adriatic Ports Authority, Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency, Port of Antwerp, ICCS guided the audience in deepening these topics and through the final results of the CEF funded project SMART-C (Scalo MArotti virtual Corridor), discovering how AI technology virtually extends the Port of Ancona facilities through the creation of a virtual tunnel for the secure transfer of the cargo from the embarking/disembarking areas from/to the Customs Gate.
Watch the video of the session and download the presentations