The European projects 5G-LOGINNOV and 5GMETA will be presented at the EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021 with a joint workshop titled “How the 5G ecosystem empowers the port, logistics and automotive industries”. EuCNC 2021 is the 30th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and supported by the European Commission.

The joint workshop will take place on 8 June 2021, from 9:30- 11:00/ 11:30-13:00 PM and will explore the various applications of 5G, with a focus on the logistics and automotive sectors. Data has become an extremely important asset, not only to cope with traffic congestion, environmental challenges and handle upcoming and future logistics capacity, but also to develop economic and innovative business opportunities for regions, industries, SMEs and high-tech start-ups. 5GMETA and 5G-LOGINNOV will not only use data to stimulate and facilitate innovative products and services, whilst ensuring data privacy, security, interoperability and ownership, but also use new, innovative concepts, applications and devices supported by 5G technologies, IoT, data analytics, next generation traffic management and CCAM to reach the above-mentioned goals.

Thanks to the expertise of both project consortiums, which gather very relevant and well-positioned European stakeholders from research and academia, telecommunications, RTOs, clusters, incubators and industry, participants to the workshop will learn about the CAD and logistics challenges, architecture, innovations and services enabled by 5G. Participants will also have the opportunity to get involved in the projects’ future SME and start-up activities. Both projects will present their concrete actions, activities and 5G roadmaps through their respective living labs and use cases, which include use cases on R&D Live Training Loop, Networking Parking and Driving Safety & Awareness, Traffic Management Applications, Video Surveillance, Precise positioning, Predictive Maintenance and Real Time Tracking.

The EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021 conference focuses on various aspects of 6G communications systems and networks, including cloud and virtualization solutions, management technologies, experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It targets to bring together researchers from all over the world to present the latest research results, and it is one of the main venues for demonstrating the results of research projects, especially from R&D programmes co-financed by the European Commission.Given the COVID-19 pandemic the conference will be held in Virtual format.The conference has a non-profit organisation, hence, registrations are free, except for presenting authors.

For further information on the joint workshop ‘How the 5G ecosystem empowers the port, logistics and automotive industries’, please click here.

In order to register to the Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021, please click here. 

For further information on the Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit 2021 have a look at the dedicated event website.