5G-LOGINNOV is presenting a call for proposals dedicated to innovative start-ups and SMEs, for the deployment of a use case/application within the 5G-LOGINNOV eco-system.
5G-LOGINNOV is a project funded by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Grant Agreement No. 957400 (Innovation Action). The project aims at optimising freight and traffic operations at ports and logistics hubs by using new innovative concepts, applications and devices supported by 5G technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, next generation traffic management and CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility). These concepts will support port areas and city-ports in handling upcoming and future capacity, coping with traffic congestion and environmental challenges while developing economic and innovative business opportunities for the surrounding regions.
Technology and innovation in 5G-LOGINNOV comprise a range of port-driven technological and societal innovations, tailored to realise the objectives including automation for ports, generation of data about truck traffic and emission, automated truck platooning and involvement of innovative start-ups. The innovations will be implemented and tested in real operating conditions in three Living Lab environments, associated with the ports (or neighbouring city areas) of Athens, Hamburg and Koper.
More information about the project here https://5g-loginnov.eu/
The challenge of 5G-LOGINNOV is to pave the way towards efficient freight and traffic operations at ports and logistics hubs by using new innovative concepts, applications and devices supported by the disruptive 5G technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, next generation traffic management and CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility) in logistics corridors.
The project has a strong interest in the emergence of new market players, such as SMEs and start-ups, taking advantage of the growing adoption of distributed cloud computing technologies in 5G networks and making it possible opening innovation at service level in the logistics and Industry 4.0 sectors.
5G-LOGINNOV is looking for innovative start-ups and SMEs aiming to develop use case/application within the 5G-LOGINNOV eco-system: 5G-based solutions in the framework of activities carried out at the three Living Labs, with the aim of extending those activities through the integration of innovative solutions.
More information and Tender Conditions will be available in April here https://5g-loginnov.eu/
The call is open to start-ups in the form of SMEs legally established in an eligible country. Only applicants legally established in any of the following countries will be eligible:
• The Member States of the European Union, including their outermost regions.
• The Overseas Countries and Territories linked to the Member States
• H2020 Associated countries: according to the updated list published by the EC at http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/3cpart/h2020-hi-list-ac_en.pdf.
• The UK applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation at the time of the deadline of the call.
A SME will be considered as such if accomplishing with the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC and the SME user guide. As a summary, the criteria which define a SME are:
• Headcount in Annual Work Unit (AWU) less than 250.
• Annual turnover less or equal to €50 million or annual balance sheet total, less or equal to €43 million.
The applicant must be completely independent from project partners, their affiliated entities and their controlled companies. Institutions, organizations or other kind of legal entities funded by or otherwise affiliated with a 5G-LOGINNOV partner are not eligible.
In summary, selected start-ups will have the opportunity to:
• investigate and gather experience with 5G based technologies for their use case;
• deploy and validate their solution in real operating environment;
• explore technical benefits;
• exploit information discovered;
• develop new business opportunities;
• present their solutions at major international events.
The selected applicants will be incorporated in 5G-LOGINNOV consortium through a service contract providing a global price of max. € 50.000 (VAT included) each.
The 5 selected applications will also be presented in a panel session organized by the project in the context of ITS World Congress in Hamburg, 11 to 15 October 2021, together with other Living Labs activities.
All the participants Start Ups – not only the selected ones – will be included in ERTICO Start Up Initiative and engaged about innovation and opportunities linked to 5G-LOGINNOV developments.
The full Tender Conditions and the Application procedure details will be available in April here https://5g-loginnov.eu/
Planned date | Phase / Event |
26 April 2021 | Launch of the Open Call (submission of applications opened) |
30 June 2021 | Closure of the Open Call |
17 September 2021 | Final ranking drawn up, information to applicants |
01 October 2021 | Contracts signed, kick off of activities |
31 August 2023 | End of service contract, including project reporting formalities |
Funding – The selected applicants will be incorporated in 5G-LOGINNOV consortium through a service contract providing a global price of max. € 50.000 (VAT included) each

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957400