On 18 September, representatives of maritime authorities from Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine joined their counterparts from other countries of the Black and Caspian Sea basins and the EU for a meeting at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in Lisbon, Portugal.

They discussed EU-funded programmes in the areas of transport, environment, climate and  energy efficiency implemented in the countries of the region. The EU representatives briefed the audience on structured consultations on the future of the Eastern Partnership.

The Black Sea Commission presented its developments in the area of protecting against pollution in the Black Sea. All beneficiary countries expressed their gratitude to the EMSA for the technical support in building up their national capacities.

Organised by the EMSA within the EU-funded Black and Caspian Sea (BCSEA) project, the meeting also served for the project beneficiary countries to present their priorities and expectations for bilateral and regional activities for the period 2020–2021 in the area of maritime affairs in the region.

The BCSEA project aims to improve maritime safety and security, and prevent marine pollution in the region. It does so by supporting the efforts of coastal states to implement relevant international legislation, align their regulatory frameworks with EU legislation and improve the performance of their maritime activities. The project covers Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Ukraine.

Source: ONtheMosWay