With their strategies to foster Rail Transport, they are inspiration for other ports and regions at national and European level. Congratulations to the winners of the REIF Shift to Regional Rail Award:

Don’t miss the awarding ceremony during the REIF Project Transfer Conference scheduled on March 9th (here the final Agenda). During the event we’ll deepen existing and future international policies and measures to accelerate the modal shift, guided by top tier speakers:

Andrea Bardi, ITL (Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation)
Klaus Bongartz, Thüringer Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Landwirtschaft
Stefan Breitenbach, Port of Hamburg
Constantino Canu, CLECAT
Alberto Cozzi, Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea
Paolo Ferrecchi, Emilia Romagna Region
Anna Giarandoni, ITL Foundation
Blaz Jemensek, Institute for Traffic and Transport Ljubljana
Maria Koidu, DG MOVE
Eric Lambert, UIC – International union of railways
Giuseppe Luppino, ITL Foundation
Aurelio Martinez, Port Authority of Valencia
James Orlandi, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority
Francesco Paolo Nanni Costa, ITL Foundation
Winfried Ritt, Interreg Central Europe JS
Klaus Uwe Sondermann, KombiConsult