27th April                12:00 pm – 01:30 pm 

     Sign up

Data and connectivity have become an extremely important asset, not only to cope with traffic congestion, environmental challenges and handle upcoming and future logistics capacity but also to develop economic and innovative business opportunities for regions, industries, SMEs and high-tech start-ups. 

​In this frame 5G-LOGINNOV (project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Grant Agreement No. 957400), develops a range of port-driven technological and societal innovations supported by 5G technologies, IoT, data analytics, next generation traffic management and CCAM (Cooperative and Connected Automated Mobility).

​These innovative solutions, tailored to realise objectives including automation for ports, generation of data on floating trucks and emission, automated truck platooning, video surveillance, precise positioning, predictive manteinance and real time tracking, are implemented and tested in real operating conditions in three Living Lab environments, associated with the ports (or neighbouring city areas) of Athens, Hamburg and Koper.


Moderator  Eusebiu Catana, 5G-LOGINNOV Coordinator, ERTICO

Welcome addresses and openings 

  • Miguel Montarelo Navajo – 5G-LOGINNOV Project Officer,INEA
  • Deploying new CAD and Logistics tailored services in real-life port-city areas with 5G-LOGINNOV – Eusebiu Catana, 5G-LOGINNOV Coordinator, ERTICO

5G-ecosystem enabled innovation for future European ports and hub-logistics 

Port of Koper Living Lab Use Cases

  • Janez Sterle, Founder and CEO, INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd

Piraeus-Athens Living Lab Use Cases

  • Pavlos Basaras, ICCS

Hamburg Living Lab Use Cases

  • Ralf Willenbrock, Product manager Logistic, T-System 

Emerging 5G business opportunities and models: how 5G can enable new market players in the logistics domain 

  • Mariangela Rosano, ICOOR 


Final remarks

eumoses.pngThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957400