PIXEL is one of the RIAs funded under the call H2020-MG-7.3, within the programme “Mobility for Growth”, particularly on the Ports of the Future topic PIXEL is the first modular solution combining strong methodology and smart technology for small and medium port ecosystems enabling optimization of operations through IoT while reducing environmental impact.
At par with a lack of tools for environmental impact assessment, an effective integration of operational data is far from optimal in the majority of ports. In addition to this, digitalization does not reach equally every ecosystem, creating considerable gaps between large and small ports. PIXEL addresses every of those issues by providing an easy-to-use open source smart platform for operational data interchange in ports and its associated agents (e.g. cities). The project expects to improve several indicators in varying use-cases (e.g. 5% in energy consumption, 6% average cost per passenger or 85%in average waiting time for vessels and trucks) that will be materialised in pilots in 4 ports: Bordeaux, Monfalcone, Piraeus and Thessaloniki.
Furthermore, PIXEL provides tools and guidelines leveraging technology with a unique approach: creating a single environmental metric for ports and modelling and optimizing processes after gathering any information available.

The Kick-off Meeting was organised at the beginning of May (3rd and 4th) in Brussels, Belgium. In this meeting, the Consortium drew the lines of the project, while a very first presentation of the scope of each work package and the results expected were commented. All partners were present in Brussels to kick off the first months of work of the project, establishing internal procedures, inner agreements and relationships among the Consortium.


During the first seven months of the projects, PIXEL has successfully conducted its duties after the EC, and has already organised another two meetings to advance in the development of tasks. At mid-September (11th and 12th), the project Coordinator (UPV) hosted the 2nd Plenary Meeting that took place in Valencia, Spain. This second meeting meant a significate advance in the project, as all partners were asked to display the technical work ahead of them. At the same time, the stakeholders (ports), completed the full definition of use-cases and scenarios and the requirement gathering process begun.
In the month M7 of execution, the PIXEL Consortium decided to conduct a Technical Meeting in one of the ports’ location. Namely, all PIXEL partners met in several separated taskforces to work on software definition, alignment of the technical tasks being conducted and exploitation and business aspects. This meeting has taken place in Bordeaux at 12th to 14th November.
In this first stage of the project, several communication and external dissemination actions have been performed, such as the set up of several social accounts and the creation of videos explaining PIXEL scope and ambitions.

PROJECT WEBSITE: https://pixel-ports.eu 

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