Livorno, Italy, 2018 – Companies operating at the port have been carrying out tests on intelligent driving in the framework of the European Autopilot project, the head of initiatives on the connected vehicle of the European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization (ERTICO), François Fischer said.
“Livorno is achieving important results in terms of technological innovation and has adopted an ambitious digital agenda to manage the upcoming and future challenges related to the capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental sustainability of port activities”, added Fischer.
The European official underlined how the port plays an active role not only in the projects related to the implementation of new mobility (such as Autopilot) but also in those related to the digitalization of port operations, having been identified as one of the five living labs inside of COREALIS, the project with Ericsson, Livorno port and the National Inter-university Telecommunications Consortium (CNIT), born with the aim of designing and implementing a real 5G end-to-end network in the Livorno port area.
“The Tuscan port is leading the way in the development of new smart mobility solutions,” concludes Fischer. “The collaboration between Autorita’ di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Settentrionale (AdSP – North Tyrrhenian Sea Port Authority) and ERTICO is really giving good results”.
The port, which was identified by the European Union as a national site for experimentation of the new intelligent driving services, will host a public initiative dedicated to the theme.
Source: Portseurope