The studies have been carried out for the European Commission and express the opinions of the organisations having undertaken them. The views have not been adopted or in any way approved by the European Commission and should not be relied upon as a statement of the European Commission’s views. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given in the studies, nor is it liable for any consequence stemming from the reuse of this publication.
Evaluation of the Regulation (EU) N° 1315/2013 on Union Guidelines for the development of a trans-European transport network
👉 there is a strong need to advance on requirements enhancing the quality of the TEN-T infrastructure to cope with future challenges, also in the context of sustainability and improved user benefits.
👉 need of adjusted targets and reinforced / extended requirements. The reduction of transport emissions by 90% by 2050 cannot be achieved without a proper TEN-T network allowing for greener transport.
👉 the TEN-T Regulation could be advanced to strengthen the identification, combination and implementation of projects from the perspective of integrated door-to-door user services.
👉 complementarity between core and comprehensive networks could be strengthened.
👉 need to reinforce implementation instruments at EU level and to stimulate a stronger commitment of Member States.
👉 Effectiveness of TEN-T implementation could be further enhanced through a strengthening of EU instruments
👉 Achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal would require that the TEN-T infrastructure are fully aligned with the provisions resulting from the other policy initiatives in the fields of AFID, FuelEU Maritime and the ReFuel Aviation.
👉 Synergies between trans-European network policies in transport, energy and digitalisation are important for higher user benefits, efficiency and the strongest possible contribution to transport decarbonisation.
Evaluation of the White Paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – towards a competitive and resource-efficient transport system’
- Support study: Final report
- Support study: Executive Summary
- Annex A, Evaluation matrix
- Annex B, Literature Review
- Annex C , Stakeholder consultation report
- Annex D, OPC analysis
- Annex E, Relevant indicators
- Annex F, Modelling the impacts of the White Paper
- Annex G, Case study
- Annex H, supporting analysis for evaluation questions
- Staff Working Document: Evaluation report
- Staff Working Document: Executive Summary