The DocksTheFuture Project aims at defining the vision for the ports of the future in 2030, covering all specific issues that could define this concept. From the work performed in WP1 the essential concepts of a port of the future emerge (Section 4 Ports of the future defined on page 29).

This report is the deliverable D1.5 Port of the Future concepts, topics and projects – draft for experts validation of work package 1 “Port of the Future”: definition of the concept. It is the combination of the following reports:

D.1 Desktop analysis of the concept including EU policies (Section 6.2 on page 40); A long list of over 347 inputs, that is projects, studies, white papers and the like, was established based upon the feedback of all project partners, and the subcontractors Lloyds’s register, TU Delft and Association des Villes Portuaires (AIVP). From this list, 78 inputs have been assessed. To perform the desktop study and information model (Section on page 176) has been defined that is also very useful for the work of the next work packages and beyond the DocksTheFuture project;

D1.2 Stakeholders consultation proceedings (Section 6.3 on page109); A consultation of private and public stakeholders reveals their focus on sustainability and digitalization and digital transformation;

D1.3 Maritime traffic analysis and forecast review – Key Results (Section 6.4 on page 122);

D1.4 Analysis of macro-trends and perspectives (Section 6.5 on page 149). Amongst the most important trends affecting the ports of the future are the climate change, the use of alternative fuel, the growing population and urbanisation, introduction of new technologies, shift of trade to non-OECD countries, and the increase of public debt.

This document will be reviewed by experts during a thematic workshop (Section 6.6 on page 157) to become the final deliverable of work package 1: “Port of the Future concepts, topics and projects – consolidated versions. It will then serve as the basis for the next work packages of DocksTheFuture.


A port of the future must be customer focused, in which customer covers both society, public entities and private companies. If we define sustainability as people, profit and planet (3P) then it covers most if not the full scope of the Port of the Future.
     1. Much input deals with the people aspect both on safety, education, (re-)training and assistance in helping other port regions to become pools of economic activity, embedded in local communities;
   2. While sometimes a negative connotation is given to profit, this aspect is of extreme importance to keep the sustainability drive going. Profit is not only to be considered from a business perspective, but also relates to port’s contribution to society, as they often make use of tax payers’ money. Profit is also quoted as invoking a mental shift among port authorities towards polluter pays principles and installing new revenue models that finance the huge investment costs of among others digitization;
    3. Planet goes without saying. Ports are to grow with green, not against green. The analysis performed here shows a huge amount of good, economically viable solutions that often trigger new streams of cargo and created new clusters in the wider region of the port.

For the full report of this Deliverable, please click HERE